Circular 461 – Associated for the Lasallian Mission …an act of HOPE

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This Circular is a foundational document on the key dimension of “association” and its central place in Lasallian life and mission.

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This is a Circular from the Generalate in Rome. These are administrative documents published by a canonical Superior. In some Districts, the Brother Visitor publishes circulars while Brother Superior General and his Council publish such for the whole Institute. They serve to make important events known, indicate the situation of the Institute with regard to important topics o to present short biographies of deceased Superiors.


This present Circular addresses the growing awareness of, and engagement with, the principle of “Association” within the Lasallian charism. Working “together and by association,” all Lasallians share in the Lasallian family as they live out the Lasallian mission.

Section Headings:

  1. Association: A Fundamental Characteristic of the Lasallian Charism
  2. Fundamental Elements of Lasallian Association
  3. Common Characteristics experienced in Different Ways
  4. The Lasallian Family
  5. Fostering Association

(2010; 67 Pgs.)

Publisher: BROTHERS OF THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS 476, Via Aurelia – CP 9099 Aurelio – 00165 Roma Italy 2015

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