John Baptist de La Salle: The Formative Years

A historical overview of those who impacted the education of St. John Baptist de La Salle the most, tracing his educational and formative journey from a young age until his ordination to the priesthood.

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The first 30 years of De La Salle’s life are the focus of this study, with particular attention to the seminary education that preceded his ordination and the university years that led to his doctoral degree. Based on the published research of Brother Leon Aroz, this book describes the people, ideas, and experiences that influenced De La Salle before he became involved with the teachers and the schools.

List of Chapter Headings:

  • The College des Bons-Enfants
  • Student Cleric
  • Theological Student
  • Student Seminarian
  • Candidate for Ordination
  • Newly Ordained Priest

(1989; 127 pp.)

Author: Luke Salm, FSC


Publisher: Christian Brothers Conference – Lasallian Region of North America

NOTE: This work is currently out of print but may be found in libraries.


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