De La Salle: A City Saint and the Liberation of the Poor Through Education

The most recent and most comprehensive biography of John Baptist de La Salle in English by Br. Alfred Calcutt, FSC.

This work is an impressive biography that provides many contextual details about De La Salle’s time, and significant mini-biographies of many of those who were part of De La Salle’s life. If there is information in English on something related to John Baptist de La Salle, it would be found in this book.

For those who would like a PDF copy of the book, HERE is the link.  (10 MB)


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This is the most recent and most comprehensive biography of John Baptist de La Salle in English. Alfred Calcutt combines a wide variety of information, from the history of serge weavers in the Reims area to the details of almost anyone with whom De La Salle had any dealings, and has woven them into a major narrative that provides both the historical details and the insights that come from having examined such a breadth of information. As a result, this work may seem to provide too much information in some areas, but it is well worth the effort because of the depth that it provides based on the latest historical studies about De La Salle and his times.

Author: Alfred Calcutt, FSC

Publisher: This book is published by the District of England and is only directly available from their Provincialate in Oxford.

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